Metabolic Muscle &

Iron Body Abs

Build A Kick-Ass Lean Physique &

Egg Carton Abs At At Any Age!

Metabolic Muscle & Iron Body Abs are two training programs that will help you to build muscle, get strong, and reveal the abs that you never thought you had.

Buy one or bundle them together, with time efficient, fast paced, heart pumping, muscle building, timed, strength circuits, the 6-week Metabolic Muscle program will show you gainz your future jacked self never thought possible, and the 5-day Iron Body Abs program will have you stopping at every bathroom mirror to check out your abs!


If you’re busy, work onsite in an office 5-days a week, have kids, and don’t have time for shizz, but want to transform your body, build “scultpy” muscle, and finally see the results of all of your hard work in the gym, then Metabolic Muscle is for you and Iron Body Abs is the icing on the cake!


Are you bored with your workouts?

Feeling stagnant?


Out of a routine?

Are you tired of random workouts of the day and want to follow a consistent training program so that you can actually see results?

Do you need something that you can do at home or at the gym and is quick but delivers a massive transformation?

Do you wish you had boulder shoulders, bangin’ biceps, and juicy quads to show off during tank top and shorts season?

Or maybe you just hit perimenopause or turned 45 and what you were doing that was working, is no longer working.

You haven’t changed anything with your nutrition and exercise routine, but for some reason nothing is working anymore and you feel like your body is no longer your body.

I get it! I have been there.

I’m 48 and when I turned 45 and the shizz hit the fan.

My body revolted like never before and my body no longer felt like my body.

I experienced all of the horrors of perimenopause from bloating+inflammation to General Urinary Syndrome (i.e. vaginal dryness) and everything I had been doing with fitness and nutrition for years no longer worked.

My once egg-carton abs from strength training and careful attention to my nutrition were no longer to be found.

Bloated, Inflamed, Visceral Fat

At first I thought, “Now that I am middle aged, maybe this is how it’s going to be?”

Then, I refused to accept that, and said to myself, “HELL NO!”

I doubled down on studying and applying the latest research on fitness, health, and hormone balance for women 40+ so that I could finally feel like my badass self again and get back my egg carton abs!

One of the changes I made was that I cut back on intense cardio and added a fifth strength training day.

Then for cardio, I focused on doing Zone 2 Cardio (65 - 75% of my max heart rate) by walking for 30 to 45 minutes with a loaded backpack.

As a result, I created Metabolic Muscle, a 5-day, time efficient, fast paced, heart pumping, muscle building, timed, strength circuit program.

I followed Metabolic Muscle during my two year “corporate sabbatical” when I stepped away from my business and went back to work in an office, on-site, 5-days a week at a very intense, high stress job.

I continued to follow Metabolic Muscle after leaving my corporate job in October 2023 through March of this year.

Here are the results:

Lean, Jacked, Shredded, & Feeling Great!

From bloated and inflamed with visceral fat growing around my waist at age 45:

To shredded, jacked, and lean at age 48:

Hello egg carton abs! You are finally back!

For a limited time, I’m offering a 33% discount when you buy the bundle of Metabolic Muscle+Iron Body Abs.

Here are the details…

The Details

Metabolic Muscle is a 5-day, 6-week, timed interval, strength circuit program. It moves quickly, keeps your heart rate pumping, and builds juicy muscle.

Iron Body Abs is a 5-day ab program that will reveal the abs you never thought you had! You can add it on to supplement any training program you are doing.

The Bundle: For a limited time only, save 33% when you buy the Metabolic Muscle+Iron Body Abs bundle.


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